Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great rist 要知道伟大的爱和伟大的成就都含有极大的风险。
According to the hypothesis of some economists , increased wages may give rist to the high cost of living 按照一些经济学家们的假说,工资增加可能导致生活费用升高。
Pipilotti rist is an artist from switherland who makes videos . you have to look down at your feet to see this one 皮皮路提立斯特是一位来自瑞士的从事电视制作的艺术家。你要想看到这件作品必须要低下你的头看看脚底下。
Requires the filing of a license application whenever an exporter knows that export of any item will be used for unclear , cbw , or missile activities in certain identified destinations , or the exporter is informed by the commerce department that an export presents an unacceptable rist of diversion to , or will be used in , such proliferation actibity ?略物资等输出规制制品泛用电源该当集积回路使用。输出贸易管理令别表12项及通?省令第1条41项直流电源装置48项行机能有组立品规制该当非该当判定。