She remained restive until her kid returned home safely 翻译:孩子安全回家前,她始终坐立不安。
American investors are growing restive over roadblocks to their projects 美国投资者对他们的计画遇到重重障碍越来越不耐烦了。
He was by nature powerful of thought and sensibility , and the creative spirit was restive and urgent 他天生思维犀利,感觉敏锐,有不羁的创作感。
He was by nature powerful of thought and sensibility , and the creative spirit was restive and urgent 他天生思维犀利,感觉敏锐,创作感强烈得难以驾驭。
If kosovo remains unresolved and restive , the eu will not admit serbia as a member 如果科索沃问题悬而未决且难以控制,欧盟不会承认塞尔维亚为一个成员国。
But local residents in pakistan ' s restive northwest tribal region blamed the military , saying assailants fired missiles into the house 但是,动荡的巴基斯坦西北部落地区的居民指责政府军,说攻击者向房子里发射火箭。
Sunday , chinese premier wen jiabao told the national people ' s congress that strict action must be taken to calm a restive rural population 中国总理温家宝星期天对全国人大说,必须采取严厉行动缓和农村人口的不满情绪。
Sunday , chinese premier wen jiabao told the national people ' s congress that strict action must be taken to calm a restive rural population 中国总理温家宝星期天对全国人大说,必须采取严厉行动缓和农村人口的不满情绪。