vi. 变温和,变宽厚;心平气和;发慈悲心,动怜悯心 (towards); 减弱,缓和。adv. -ingly 温和地;心平气和地;怀着怜悯心;宽厚地,随和地。
Your own family might in time relent . 你自己的家庭总有一天会变温和。 Have you relented about your horse achmeat ? 你那匹叫阿奇特的马减价了吗? She found her heart relenting in spite of her . 她发现自己的心不由自主地软下来了。 It was as though god had relented and sent a son to the man . 仿佛是上帝大发慈悲,赐给这人一个儿子了。 She is going to drag out the engagement, in the hope of making me relent . 她想把婚约拖下去,打算这样来使我让步。 At last mother relented and allowed the children to stay up and watch tv . 最后母亲松口了,同意孩子们不睡觉来看电视。 When he came home at night, his heart relenting and growing hot for love of her . 晚上他回家时,火气已消,燃起一股对她炽热的爱。 Oh you see, nelly, he would not relent a moment to keep me out of the grave . 啊,你瞧,耐莉,他都不肯暂时发发慈悲好让我不进坟墓。 The victor almost relented when he saw the brave youth lying dead at his feet . 胜利者看到这位勇敢的青年死在自己的脚下,几乎动了怜悯之心。 If miss crawley did not forgive them at present, she might at least relent on future day . 克劳莱小姐眼前虽然不肯原谅他们,将来总会回心转意。
relentとは意味 :relent v. 穏やかな気持ちになる, ふびんに思うようになる. 【+前置詞】 ◆He relented at the sight of her tears. (最初は怒っていたが)彼女の涙を見てふびんに思うようになった ◆He relented in his efforts to have me fired. 彼は私をくびにさせようとする動きをやわらげてきた.