What are the relative merits of the two 两者相较的优劣如何? relative velocity 相对速度。 to assign tasks according to their relative importance and urgency 按轻重缓急安排工作。 a different yet relative reason 虽不同但有连带关系的理由。 without some more relative proof 倘无更恰当的证据。 be relative to 和…相应,和…成比例,和…有关系,随…而转移(Value is relative to demand. 价值随需要而转移)。
estimated by comparison; not absolute or complete; "a relative stranger" 同义词:comparative,
properly related in size or degree or other measurable characteristics; usually followed by `to''; "the punishment ought to be proportional to the crime"; "earnings relative to production" 同义词:proportional,
an animal or plant that bears a relationship to another (as related by common descent or by membership in the same genus) 同义词:congener, congenator, congeneric,
a person related by blood or marriage; "police are searching for relatives of the deceased"; "he has distant relations back in New Jersey" 同义词:relation,
relativeとは意味:1relative n. 親類, 縁者, 血族. 【動詞+】 ◆I have no relatives in this town. この町に親戚はいない I am one of the few living relatives (that) she has. 数少ない彼女の親戚の 1 人です ◆notify the relatives of the deceased 故人の縁者に通知する ◆vi...