reduce vt. 1.减少,减轻,节减;缩短,缩小;降低,贬低;使没落,使落魄。 2.使降服,征服,克服;攻陷(城市等)。 3.使衰弱,使退化。 4.使变为,使成为,迫使,使不得不。 5.把…归类[分类,整理]。 6.【数学】简化,约简;化为;缩减;折合。 7.【化学】还原;【冶金】提炼,精炼;从(原油)中蒸去轻质油。 8.【医学】使(脱臼等)复位,使复原。 9.使适合,使适应,使一致。 10.【火箭】整理(测量结果等);译解(代号等)。 11.【生物学】使(细胞)减数分裂。 12.【摄影】把(底片等)减薄,减低强度。 13.【语音】把(重读音)变为非重读音。 reduce production 减少生产。 a map on reduced scale 按比例缩小了的地图。 reduce wine to two-thirds by boiling 将葡萄酒煮沸浓缩成三分之二。 reduce the temperature 降低温度。 reduce prices 减低价格。 be reduced to a shadow 消瘦得像一个影子似的。 be in a very reduced state 非常衰弱。 be reduced to nothing [to a skeleton] 瘦成骨架子。 a reduced family 破落户。 reduce sb. to terror [tears] 使…恐怖[流泪]。 reduce to reason 使明理。 reduce the animals to classes 把动物分类。 reduce one's discourse into [to] writing 把谈话写成文章。 reduce a house to ashes 使房屋化为灰烬。 reduce a compound to its components 将化合物分解成各成分。 at a reduced price 廉价。 have the dislocation (shoulder) reduced 请人将脱臼(肩骨)复位。 in reduced circumstances 没落。 on a reduced scale 小规模地。 reduce a fraction 【数学】约分。 reduce an equation 【数学】解方程式。 reduce a rule to practice 使条文变成实践。 reduce oneself into 陷入…的地步。 reduce the establishment (公司,机关等)裁员。 reduce to an absurdity 使变成荒谬。 reduce to assert [asserting] an absurdity 使陷于不得不讲荒唐话的地步;使窘迫得语无伦次。 reduce to discipline 恢复秩序,平定,使归顺。 reduce to order [chaos] 使秩序井然[乱七八糟]。 reduce to powder 把…弄成碎粉。 reduce to subjection 征服。 reduce to the ranks 把…降为兵。 vi. 体重减轻;【生物学】减数分裂。 reducing agent 还原剂。 reducing division 【生物学】减数分裂。
By using ofdm technology , we can redu ce the baud rate with a high frequency spectrum utility factor . another advantage of this technology is that the transmission can combat the intersymbol interference ( isi ) at the receiver without complex adaptive equalizer Ofdm既有较高的频谱利用率,也有效地降低了码速率,在不使用复杂的信道均衡技术的条件下仍然可以较好地克服接收时由多径效应带来的码间串扰( isi ) 。
It adopts " threat - opportunity - weakness - strength matrix " to match the key internal and external factors , which result in four proposals of the so , st , wo and wt strategies for enterprises to guide the enterprise to play advantages , make use of opportunities , offset threat and make use of opportunities , overcome weaknesses , redu ce threat and then can offer the alternative strategy 然后对企业内外部关键因素进行匹配,分别对两种民品推导出企业的so战略、 st战略、 wo战略和wt战略四种战略类型,为引导企业发挥优势、利用机会、回避威胁以及利用机会、克服弱点、减少威胁提供备选战略。