Lowell lo , angelita li and predence liew , passionly perform these 10 songs reco . . 李安琪深情演绎10首由锺定一及roel a . garcia改编的经典金曲
It was the man with no criminal reco , the one with no motive , the one who cures cancer for a living 而成了这位无前科无动机而又以治愈癌症为生的男士
Abstract : in recent years , with the successful application of hig h - frequency switching power supply in communication power , there are a lot of con trol circuits for power factor compensation now . in this article , the writer reco mmands a kind of practical and reliable control circuit 文摘:近几年来,高频开关电源成功地应用于通信电源上,而用于功率因数校正的控制电路有多种,现只介绍一种实用可靠的控制电路的功能、特点及控制方法
For the hardware presentation , mr . hamada of mitsubishi electric corporation demonstrated the features of their new " raku reco " dvd recorder series with their new model " dvr - he50w . " as a much brought up cm topic in japan nowadays , it features a " highlights playback system " that enables users to automatically playback highlight scenes of sports events , as well as easy editing features with " auto cut i " functions that are equipped 在硬件厂商的展示中,首先由三菱电机株式会社的滨田先生对目前已经成为日本广告话题的能够自动播放体育节目中所想要观看之处的"精彩播放系统"功能和提高了编辑方便性的" auto cuti "功能的dvd录像机"轻松录"系列的新产品" dvr - he50w "进行了演示。
So the management has taken some technical reco nstruction and formed a linear regression model of the killing oxygen by adding aluminum process with history data . however , it is just an empirical formula , which cannot take the real time , disturbance and randomness at the spot into account . so the fitting accuracy and forecast of this model are not perfect and it is difficult to design the automatic control system about killing oxygen by adding aluminum process and achieve accurate control 为此,厂方经过了一些技术改造,通过历史数据建立了定氧加铝工艺的一个线性回归模型,该模型仅仅是一个经验公式,无法顾及具体现场中的实时性、扰动性和随机性等诸多因素,故该模型拟合精度和预测情况是不理想的,这就给定氧加铝自动控制系统的设计带来一定的困难,也难以实现精确的、理想的控制。
Abstract : the system of the pyrotechnic oscillation burning ha ve been studied with the experimental research and the reaction mechanism analys is methods . the phenomenon of the oscillation burning has been observed and reco rded , and the relationship of the concentration of the reactant with the frequen cy of the oscillation has been obtained 文摘:对具有振荡燃烧现象的体系进行了实验研究和反应机理分析;对振荡燃烧现象进行了观察和记录,得到了各反应物与振荡燃烧现象的关系。