a raised bottom (升、斗等的)垫高了的底。 raised tissue 起毛布。 a raised beach (因冲积而)上升的海滩。 a book in raised type 凸字书,点字书。 raised work 浮雕工艺。 a raised cheque 涂改过的(金额增大了的)支票。 raised pastry 发面点心。 a raised pie 发面饼。
located or moved above the surround or above the normal position; "a raised design"; "raised eyebrows"
embellished with a raised pattern created by pressure or embroidery; "brocaded silk"; "an embossed satin"; "embossed leather"; "raised needlework"; "raised metalwork" 同义词:brocaded, embossed,
increased in amount or degree; "raised temperature" 同义词:elevated,
raisedとは意味:{形-1} : 高くした、高くなった、高めの、一段高い、上寄りの、持ち上げた、持ち上がった、隆起{りゅうき}した The raised flag was a symbol of their victory. 掲揚された旗は彼らの勝利のしるしだった。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------...