rage n. 1.愤激,愤怒。 2.激烈,猛烈;(风等的)狂暴。 3. 热望,渴望;热心,热狂,疯狂;〔口语〕战争狂。 4.〔古语〕(诗人、预言者等的)灵感,热情;(音乐的)兴奋。 5.(战时精神的)昂扬,热烈。 6.〔口语〕狂欢作乐(的聚会)。 7.(行动的)白热化。 8.〔口语〕时兴东西。 the rage of the wind 风的狂暴。 the rage of hunger 非常饿。 be (all) the rage 大流行,风靡一时 ( Table tennis became all the rage from then. 从那时以来乒乓球就流行起来)。 burst into a rage of tears [grief] 嚎啕大哭。 fly into a rage 勃然大怒。 have a rage for 对…具有狂热爱好。 in a rage 一怒之下。 vi. 1.发怒 (at upon against)。 2.发狂;(发狂)大嚷大叫。 3.〔苏格兰语〕大骂。 4.放肆,尽情做;狂欢作乐;(风)狂吹,(浪)汹涌;(疫病等)猖獗,(战争)猛烈进行;大流行,风行。 vt. 使怒;使狂暴。 rage oneself 狂暴起来。 rage itself out (暴风雨等)平息下来。
Mack : you should be taking a dirt nap after that ragdoll today 马克:今天真是折磨人的一天,你应该小睡一下。
Rigid body physics system supporting player interaction with physical game object , ragdoll character animation , complex vehicles , and dismemberable objects 刚性物体碰撞系统可以让操作的玩家充分利用游戏里的物体碰撞,角色动画碰撞,复杂真实的交通工具和物体爆炸进行娱乐。
You are a ragdoll ! you are known for your laid back attitude . you are the ultimate in low - maintenance . you ' d rather hang out around the house all day than seek adventure 你是一只贵妇猫!你最出名的是你逍遥自在的生活态度。你决不能忍受过低的生活标准。你宁可整日在屋子四周闲逛也不愿寻找冒险的机会。
He uses it to swipe across the ground with titanic power , while his boulder - like fists hammer and jab at the prince and his massive ungainly paws grab and toss our hero around like a lifeless ragdoll 用他巨无霸的蛮力挥舞着这把大刀扫过地面,同时他那石头般的拳头猛锤向王子,用丑陋厚实的手爪抓住我们的英雄,象扔破娃娃一样扔了出去。
The Ragdoll is a cat breed with blue eyes and a distinct colorpoint coat. It is a large and muscular semi-longhair cat with a soft and silky coat.