on the radio 电台情歌; 广播中; 通过收音机(无线电广播); 通过收音机(或无线电等); 通过收音机,通过广播; 在广播
radio n. 1.无线电讯[电报,电话];无线电,射电。 2.无线电广播;无线电(广播)台。 3.收音机。 listen (in) to the radio 听无线电。 radio message 无线电通讯。 vt.,vi. 用无线电传送[广播];(向…)作无线电广播[传送];用X射线拍照;用镭医治。
radio- comb. f. 1.放射;辐射。 2.光线。 3.半径。 4.桡骨。 5.镭。 6.无线电。
Ultrasonic distance measurement belongs to the category of uncontact measurement . in the condition it has advantage which contact measure does n ' t has contrasting with uncontact measurement . ultrasonic measure is not influenced by rays of light in the range , and has simple struture , and cost cheaply cotrasting to other uncontract measurement such as laser measurement , rared ray easurement , radio measurement 超声波测距属于非接触检测的范畴,它在许多场合有接触测量不可比拟的优越性,同时与激光、红外、无线电等其它非接触性检测相比,超声检测在一定距离范围内不受光线影响、结构简单、成本低等特点。