Poverty in itself does not make men into a rabble . 贫困自身并不能使人成为贱民。
The looting of rich wine stores of the capital by the rabble of the streets was beginning . 首都街头的乌合之众开始掠夺芳醇的酒库。
Now in america we have learned in actual practice to accept the rabble hypothesis with reservations . 目前在美国我们已经在实践中懂得有保留地接受了群氓假说。
As deans repelled with some force the rude pushes which he received on all sides, his figure and antiquated dress caught the attention of the rabble . 当迪恩斯用力抵挡四面八方的推搡时,他的模样和老式穿戴引起了一些下等人的注意。
This stinking outpost , that filthy rabble out there 这份捞什子的差事,和外面那些暴民
The hundredheaded rabble of the cathedral close 为大教堂院内那长了一百个头的乌合之众。
The rabble in india live a poor life 在印度下层民众过着贫困的生活。
The rabble must be kept in a short leash 对这种下等人必须严加约束。
The rabble must be kept in a short leash 对下层军阶必须严厉对待。
Just make contact . separate yourself from the rabble . watch this 去搭讪,让自己脱颖而出看着