Wenzhou leathercity enterprise group address : hetou donglu quxi wenzhou china 325016 温州力西特贸易有限公司
Analysis of energy utilization in migrants district of three gorges reservoir region in quxi micro - watershed 以珠江上游南盘江和北盘江岩溶地区为例
To study the effects of preferential flow on infiltrated flow and surface runoff in the granite area of the three gorges , yangtze river , china , a soil profile that is not seriously disturbed by human activities was selected in the quxi watershed of the area as a field experimental site 摘要为研究长江三峡花岗岩地区优先流对渗流和地表径流的影响,以长江三峡地区曲溪小流域作为试验用地,选择适当的土壤剖面作为观测剖面。
In typical watershed , quxi watershed , the result of external forcing , submerge and migrant , is the resource change of slope cultivated lands , economical forest , vegetation , water , habitant etc . of the ecosystem , and the changes of demand for food supplies , energy resource and education 移民区典型小流域? ?曲溪小流域,受淹没、移民2个驱动力的作用,耕地、经济林、植被、水、栖息地等资源发生了显著变化,系统的粮食、能源、教育需求也随之而变,在内在反馈机制的作用下,导致系统输出为水土流失加剧、生物多样性受到破坏、土地退化严重等。
The group headquarters is at hetou donglu quxi , wenzhou , china . the major businesses of the group are leather , pet toys , leather chemicals , tannery machines , sunglass lens , reading lens , pc lens and real estate . over the years the group has forged solid reputations with its quality products and advanced equipment 温州力西特企业集团,通过不懈努力,依靠科技进步,狠抓产品质量,使集团不断壮大,成为温州市皮革行业的头企业,并年年荣获省市级政府金融部门颁发的荣誉奖彰。