primitive men 原始人。 the primitive mode of life 原始生活方式。 a primitive mode of dressing 朴素的服装。 primitive colours 原色。 the primitive chord 【音乐】基础和音。 primitive rocks 原成岩。 primitive soil 生荒地。 n. 1.原(始)人;原始事物。 2.【语法】原词,根词;【数学】本原,原始。 3.早期艺术家(作品);模仿早期风格的艺术家;原始派艺术家。 4.〔P-〕文艺复兴期前的画家(作品);自学而成的艺术家(作品);风格质朴的艺术家。 5.〔P-〕〔英国〕原始卫理公会派教徒 (= P- Methodist)。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
a word serving as the basis for inflected or derived forms; "`pick'' is the primitive from which `picket'' is derived"
a mathematical expression from which another expression is derived
a person who belongs to an early stage of civilization 同义词:primitive person,
used of preliterate or tribal or nonindustrial societies; "primitive societies"
little evolved from or characteristic of an earlier ancestral type; "archaic forms of life"; "primitive mammals"; "the okapi is a short-necked primitive cousin of the giraffe" 同义词:archaic,
belonging to an early stage of technical development; characterized by simplicity and (often) crudeness; "the crude weapons and rude agricultural implements of early man"; "primitive movies of the 1890s"; "primitive living conditions in the Appalachian mountains" 同义词:crude, rude,
of or created by one without formal training; simple or naive in style; "primitive art such as that by Grandma Moses is often colorful and striking" 同义词:naive,