Colonic carcinomas arising in patients with familial polyposis of the colon are frequently multiple . 家族性息肉症患者发生的结肠癌常常是多发的。
Here is another example of polyposis with numerous small polyps covering the colonic mucosa 息肉病,结肠黏膜覆盖有很多小息肉。
As with familial adenomatous polyposis , the inheritance pattern is autosomal dominant 家族性腺瘤息肉病的遗传方式是常染色体显性遗传。
The characteristics of gastric polyps and familial polyposis coli were reviewed carefully 本文中并研讨此两种息肉症的关连及临床意义。
Multiple adenomatous polyps of the cecum are seen here in a case of familial polyposis 图示:家族性肠息肉病的一个病例?盲肠部位的多发性腺瘤性息肉。
This is familial polyposis in which the mucosal surface of the colon is essentially a carpet of small adenomatous polyps 家族性息肉病,结肠黏膜表面长满了小腺瘤息肉。
Diagnosis revealed the presence of fundic gland polyps which suggested gastric polyposis in the fundus and body 胃有无数小型、半圆,颜色如同正常黏膜密布于胃底及胃体的胃腺体息肉。
Some chronic intestinal disorders e . g . , ulcerative colitis and hereditary bowel diseases e . g . , familial adenomatous polyposis 某些慢性肠病如溃疡性结肠炎及遗传性肠病如家族性大肠腺息肉等,亦是此病的高危因素。
A patient with diffuse lipomatous polyposis of colon with simultaneous diverticulosis that presented clinically as multiple painless abdominal masses is reported 本病例报告40岁男性,发生大肠脂肪息肉病合并憩室病,而以腹部肿瘤表现其临床症状。
Topics covered include approaches to the frontal sinus , surgery of massive polyposis , motorized instrumentation , and endoscopic management of cerebral spinal fistulas 本系列教程的主题包括进入额窦的路径大块息肉的手术电动手术器械操作和脑脊液漏的内窥镜处理。