- ph measuring a aratus
- ph measuring apparatus
- ph 【化学】表示氢离子浓度的倒数的对数的符号。
- 值 price; value
- 测定 determine; determination; se ...
- 仪 appearance; bearing
- 溴值测定仪 bromine number tester
- 自动酶活性值测定仪 automated enzyme activity analyser
- 值测定 determination of the ph of adhesives
- 袖珍ph值测一计 phmeter
- 残炭值测定 carbon residue test
- 碘值测定法 iodine number determination
- 峰值测定 peak value measurement
- 基值测定 ground check
- 极限值测定 threshold test
- 焦值测定 coke number test
- 热值测定 heating-value determination
- 热值测定器 heating effect indicator
- 时值测定 chronaximetry
- 时值测定法 chronaximetry
- 时值测定器 chronaximeter; chronomyometer
- 辛烷值测定 octane number determination
- 值测定法 testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins-method for determination of ph
- 值测定方法 method for determination of ph of wood
- 值测定计 ph-meter
- 中和值测定 neutralization test
- 测定仪 determinator