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  • 例句与用法
  • The phase - in of further concessions will be limited to five years in almost all cases , and in many cases to three years . - - third , the agreement is enforceable
  • Some of these agreements entail immediate full liberalization . others provide for phased - in transition to open skies where non - u . s . carriers believed they needed time to adjust to greater competition
  • The agreement also will allow an additional 195 weekly flights for each side - - - 111 by all - cargo carriers and 84 by passenger airlines - - - resulting in a total of 249 weekly flights at the end of a six - year phase - in period
  • The agreement will allow a total of 195 new weekly flights for each country - 111 by all - cargo carriers and 84 by passenger airlines - growing to a total of 249 weekly flights at the end of a six - year phase - in period
  • The phase - in of further concessions will be limited to five years in almost all cases , and in many cases to three years . third , the agreements are enforceable . china s commitments are specific , with timetables and dates for staged and full implementation
    巴德说,在这种情况下,可以想象美国“将陷入与中国周而复始的报复和反报复的状态,市场将会关闭而不是开放,美国的竞争者将在销售和就业方面得利。 ”
  • The current command & control system ( cc2 ) , better known as the beat radio system , has been in operation since 1990 , and will remain in place in the regions awaiting the phasing - in of cc3 . cost of the cc3 project is $ 540 million which includes a nine - year maintenance contract of the system
  • The timing is coordinated with the phase - in on distribution , so that three years after accession , a wholly - foreign owned enterprise can import and distribute almost all products . - - after the january working party meeting , the remaining issue concerning trading rights for foreign - invested enterprises was the schedule for phasing - in these rights and whether a company would need to be able to distribute goods before it could import them
  • 其他语种释义
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