It would give her immense pleasure to see osmond overtopped . 要是有人能把奥斯蒙德比下去,她当然会心花怒放。
The tall chimney which overtopped the remainder of the ruins rose right above their hiding-place . 原来废墟上那支高烟囱,正好矗立在他们藏身地方的上空。
The serpent, twisting his scaly body in a huge coil, raised his head so as to overtop the tallest trees . 那头蛇盘起长满鳞片的身躯,把头举过了最高的树。
Don ' t use this machine to do some other things that overtop it ' s function 禁止在此机器上做其他功能的运动。
The peanut is chinese tradition food 。 the value of peanut protein overtops animal , and does not contain cholesterin 花生是中国人喜欢的传统食品,花生蛋白的营养价值高于动物蛋白且不含胆固醇。
The knight overtopped him by six inches . " a man who bears valyrian steel should use it for more than scratching his arse . 骑士比他高六英寸。 “一个佩着瓦雷利亚钢剑的人不应该只拿它来搔屁股。 ”
Programs are worked out and used for calculating overtopping and instability fuzzy risk of the cheng bi he reservoir 编制了电算程序,具体对澄碧河水库进行漫坝模糊风险和坝体失稳模糊风险计算。
That gives me a sense not leave too high over water i follow , but let my kick to push me overtop that ankle position and return that long line position self 这给我一种感觉不要离开水面过高,而是踢腿推动自己从蜷曲的体态伸展到流线型的体态。
State - owned enterprise ownership is unknown clear and has created the belonging to the nation capital and property agency operating cost to overtop , and the state - owned e 国有企业产权不明晰造成了国有资产代理经营成本过高,国有企业缺乏产权配置动力,缺乏激励机制。
There are some disadvantages on traditional construction method of the transition material 2b on upstream face of concrete face rockfill dam , i . e . overtopping , slope - cutting and incline compaction 混凝土面板堆石坝上游坡面传统的垫层料超填、削坡、斜坡碾压的施工方法存在许多弊端。