One oft - repeated resistance to short methods is that it can degrade performance in your system 经常遇到的对于小函数的抵抗是它会降低系统性能。
And do i even need to reiterate the oft - repeated quote that it will be the next trillion dollar industry 即使这样,我需要重申多次引用,那将是下一万亿美元产业
He heard with astonishment and a sense of relief the oft - repeated words : " these men must have a bed . 当赫斯渥听到“这些人得有个铺位过夜”这句不断重复的话时,感到又是惊讶又有点宽慰。
The film is a send - up of the oft - repeated phrase " the code of the west " and exaggerates it and what it stands for into the ridiculousness that it is 导演伯特肯尼迪把这部充满动作和逗笑对白的影片拍得颇为热闹,两位男主角的演出亦相当鬼马,弥补了剧情上的空间平凡。
Status offline the most oft - repeated phrase for this sleazy story is " the hidden rule , " which zhang asserts governs the casting of unknown young actresses 这个低级庸俗的事件再三强调的是“潜规则” ,此次事件的女主角张钰信誓旦旦的声称这条潜规则左右了大部分想演戏而又不怎么出名的年轻女演员。
Though answered in the negative , he begged so earnestly to be permitted to visit those on the fifth floor , that , in despite of the oft - repeated assurance of the conci rge that they were occupied , dant 虽然得到了否定的答复,他还是热切地恳求允许他去看一下六楼上的那些房间,看门人就上去问那两个房间的房客,是否允许一个陌生人来看一下房子。
Even the oft - repeated phrase “ public ownership of the means of production ” has been amended with the passage of a law on inheritance which protects private ownership of capital equipment ? another way of saying that individuals can now own the means of production 就连人们常说的“生产资料的公有制”也随着继承法的通过而被修改,继承法保护资本设备的私有制?换句话说,也就是个人可以拥有生产资料。