A toom purse makes an oblate merchant . 口袋一文不名,会使商人烦闷。
He shows that the earth is not a true sphere but an oblate spheroid and calc ulates the flattering . 他证明地球不是一个真的球而是一个扁球,而且计算了扁平度。
Because of its oblate shape, the moment of inertia of the earth is a maximum about the polar axis and minimum about an axis in the equatorial plane . 由于地球是扁球体,绕极轴惯量矩最大,而绕在赤道面内的轴的惯量矩最小。
Photoelastic analysis on oblate extrusion pipe 扁挤压筒的光弹性分析
Post - newton metric inside and outside a rotating oblate ellipsoid 后牛顿近似下旋转椭球体的内外度规
Oblate fahters primary school 1 , shun fung street , tokwawan , kowloon 九土瓜湾顺风街一号献主会小学