privileged adj. 1.特权的;有特权的;特殊待遇的。 2.特许的;专用的。 3.特免的;(由于特殊情况)不受一般法规制约的。 4.【天主教】(祭坛等)庆祝大赦的弥撒中特设的。 the privileged few 少数享受特权者。 a privileged communication 法律上无论何时皆可拒绝公开的(医生与病人、律师与委托人间等的)通信。
Can be run as a non - privileged user 就安全性而言,可以以非特权用户运行
These are the non - privileged instructions that are used by most programs 这些是非特权指令,为大多数程序所用。
Sql server express should not be run under a normal non - privileged account when logging events 记录事件时,不应该使用普通(非特权)帐户来运行sql server express 。
Account acts as a non - privileged user on the local computer , and presents anonymous credentials to any remote server 帐户用作本地计算机上的非特权用户,向任何远程服务器显示匿名凭据。
Although these operations are also non - privileged , a program would typically access the function via an operating system call 虽然这些操作也是非特权的,但是程序通常还是通过操作系统调用来访问这些函数。
Each party shall produce relevant , non - privileged documents or copies thereof requested by the other party within the time limits set by the arbitral tribunal 双方应该在仲裁法庭规定的时间内出示对方要求的相关、无优先权的文件或副本。
Which runs in the context of an account that acts as a non - privileged user on the local computer , and presents anonymous credentials to any remote server ,该类型在用作本地计算机上的非特权用户并向任意远程服务器显示匿名凭据的帐户的上下文中运行;
Which runs in the context of an account that acts as a non - privileged user on the local computer , and presents the computer s credentials to any remote server ,该类型在用作本地计算机上的非特权用户并向任意远程服务器显示计算机凭据的帐户的上下文中运行。
The most desirable way is to run the server process itself as a non - privileged unix user so it cannot bring down the entire system if the database is compromised 最好的办法是以无特权的unix用户运行服务器进程本身,这样如果一个数据库被泄露,也不至于击垮整个系统。
Go to work be late to deduct the daily wages that day at most , of the right of the penalty that because enterprise of labor law regulation is non - privileged , has castigatory property 上班迟到最多扣除当天的日工资,因为劳动法规定企业是没有权利进行惩罚性质的罚款的权利的。