


  1. ValueOptions provides prior authorization for mental health and substance abuse services.
  2. ValueOptions has targeted another critical area of mental health care : hospitalization.
  3. The Another Direction contract also shows what a hard bargain ValueOptions drives.
  4. Former ValueOptions employees and others say refusals like that happen all the time.
  5. By fall 2000, 18 doctors had quit ValueOptions.
  6. It's difficult to find valueoptions in a sentence. 用valueoptions造句挺难的
  7. (Working with ValueOptions ) was not a battle,
  8. But FHC chief Dozoretz denied that ValueOptions'cost controls have endangered quality.
  9. Michael Zent of ValueOptions would not comment on Espinoza, citing confidentiality policies.
  10. ValueOptions officials concede that problems exist in the Valley's mental health system.
  11. ValueOptions'role is also to make money.
  12. ValueOptions serves nearly 34 million people and has service centers in 15 US states.
  13. A sister company is leasing the system back to ValueOptions for $ 1.5million.
  14. The original system was developed under ComCare, ValueOptions'predecessor, using state dollars.
  15. ValueOptions pays AIS $ 1.5 million in state dollars to use the system.
  16. Dr . Manuel Mota said he left Arizona partly because of his problems with ValueOptions.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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