



  1. Signed commercial invoice from the seller in quintuplicate
  2. Signed commercial in quintuplicate , certifying merchandise to be of chinese origin
  3. Back at the office , the father orders the paper retyped and reproduced in quintuplicate , and then sent to another man for comparison with paper that was reproduced in triplicate last year
  4. The main products we produce involve in the various quintuplicate layers cartons , tri - layers cartons , sep - layers cartons and paper packets , whose specifications are designed by customers requests . from the outset of lianxing , she has been dedicated to increasing the quality of the product , improving the management and setting up the prefect quality managerial system . she strictly carries out the interior standard detection on the raw material , semi - product and finished product
  5. It's difficult to find quintuplicate in a sentence. 用quintuplicate造句挺难的


  1. "quintuplet cluster"造句
  2. "quintuplet pregnancy"造句
  3. "quintuplets"造句
  4. "quintuplets 2000"造句
  5. "quintuplex"造句
  6. "quintuplication"造句
  7. "quintupling"造句
  8. "quintuply"造句
  9. "quintus"造句
  10. "quintus aelius tubero"造句

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