- Rudsky . and " Quercetum frainetto-cerris macedonicum"
- The arboretum's primary scientific collection is a quercetum ( oak collection ) comprising one of the most comprehensive living reference collections for the genus in North America.
- Main ecosystems include broadleaf forest ( Tilio-Carpinetum ), mixed forest ( Melitti-Carpinetum ), and bright oak wood ( Potentillo albae-Quercetum ).
- In upper altitudes there are patches of English oak that enter into their own association ( " Holco-Quercetum pyrenacia " ), which is integrated into another group ( " Quericon robri-patraea " ).
- These forested are dominated by an alliance between the Pyrenean ( " Quercus pyrenaica " ) and English ( " Quercus robur " ) oaks, which themselves are differentiated among the lower altitudes and exposed flanks ( the " Rusceto-Quercetum roboris " ) and those oaks with Atlantic characteristics ( " Myretillo-Quercetum roboris " ).
- It's difficult to find quercetum in a sentence. 用quercetum造句挺难的
- These forested are dominated by an alliance between the Pyrenean ( " Quercus pyrenaica " ) and English ( " Quercus robur " ) oaks, which themselves are differentiated among the lower altitudes and exposed flanks ( the " Rusceto-Quercetum roboris " ) and those oaks with Atlantic characteristics ( " Myretillo-Quercetum roboris " ).
- A characteristic of this region is the presence of the habitats as : white willow ( Salicetum albae fragilis ), black alder ( Alnetum glutinosae ), oak ( Quercetum farnetto cerris scardicum and Quercetum pubescentis cerris ), juniper ( Astero Juniperetum oxycedri ), Polygala Genistetum hassertianae, Hyperico Euphorbietum glabliflorae, Potentilla-Fumaretum bonopartei, Salvio-Scorsoneretum villosae, Echinario-Convolvuletum althaeoides, Onosmo-Scabietosum fumaroides, Vitici-Tarmaricetum dalmaticae.
- A characteristic of this region is the presence of the habitats as : white willow ( Salicetum albae fragilis ), black alder ( Alnetum glutinosae ), oak ( Quercetum farnetto cerris scardicum and Quercetum pubescentis cerris ), juniper ( Astero Juniperetum oxycedri ), Polygala Genistetum hassertianae, Hyperico Euphorbietum glabliflorae, Potentilla-Fumaretum bonopartei, Salvio-Scorsoneretum villosae, Echinario-Convolvuletum althaeoides, Onosmo-Scabietosum fumaroides, Vitici-Tarmaricetum dalmaticae.