


  1. In the year 1308 the Simonetti, Quartigiani and other noble families were banned from holding public offices in Lucca.
  2. In 1317 the Quartigiani clan regained power and placed Castruccio Castracani in the office of captain-general of the Republic.
  3. After a few months in office Castruccio Castracani turned against his protectors and plotted against the Quartigiani clan, including the Simonetti branch of the family.
  4. Francisco Simonetti dei Quartigiani was pro Florence and influenced in the acquisition of Lucca by Florence in 1341 . The Quartigiani and Simonetti were banned from holding office in Lucca for a third time after the reestablishment of the Republic in 1370.
  5. Francisco Simonetti dei Quartigiani was pro Florence and influenced in the acquisition of Lucca by Florence in 1341 . The Quartigiani and Simonetti were banned from holding office in Lucca for a third time after the reestablishment of the Republic in 1370.
  6. It's difficult to find quartigiani in a sentence. 用quartigiani造句挺难的
  7. The palace and tower of the Simonetti and Quartigiani families were located in the center of Lucca, today called Quartigiani Tower or Torre delle ore ( Clock Tower ) . [ http : / / www . google . ca / books ? vid = 04Auw29 _-MO3S64BTHnoQe & id = jJeGzd64p _ MC & pg = PA1 & lpg = PA1 & dq = Giuseppe + Matraia # PPA46, M1
  8. The palace and tower of the Simonetti and Quartigiani families were located in the center of Lucca, today called Quartigiani Tower or Torre delle ore ( Clock Tower ) . [ http : / / www . google . ca / books ? vid = 04Auw29 _-MO3S64BTHnoQe & id = jJeGzd64p _ MC & pg = PA1 & lpg = PA1 & dq = Giuseppe + Matraia # PPA46, M1


  1. "quartiere varesina"造句
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  7. "quartile coefficient"造句
  8. "quartile coefficient of dispersion"造句
  9. "quartile deviation"造句
  10. "quartile range"造句

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