- in optimal decision model : ( t ) nine main environmental impact indexes are summarized and qualmed from the main aspect of environmental impact of road construction based on the principles of comparability and measurability; ? calculate each index with analytic hierarchy process, and introduce the concepts of educing matrix and absolute coincidence matrix to adjust judgment matrix in order to meet with satisfactory consistency; ( 3 ) introduce the distance to calculate the weight of expert; ? analyze the relationship coefficients with gray relationship method, then integrate the weights of indices and experts with them to obtain the compositor of ail of the schemes
在方案优选模块中:针对公路建设中环境影响评价滞后于公路建设的现象,将环境因素的影响提到设计阶段,并对环境指标进行了重点分析,提出了用于比选的9个定量指标;采用层次分析法确定各级指标的权重,并对判断矩阵予以修正;引入距离测度的概念解决各专家的权值问题;运用灰色关联法分析各指标的关联系数,并结合指标权重、专家权重,最终得到各方案的关联度优劣排序。 - It's difficult to find qualmed in a sentence. 用qualmed造句挺难的