- Merkys then himself resigned, making Paleckis acting president as well.
- Merkys himself resigned, making Paleckis acting president as well.
- Under the Lithuanian constitution, Merkys became acting president.
- Before leaving the country, he symbolically turned over his presidential duties to Merkys.
- As such, Merkys is not recognized as a legitimate president by Lithuanian diplomats.
- It's difficult to find merkys in a sentence. 用merkys造句挺难的
- Merkys graduated from Vilnius University's department of history and philology in 1951.
- Merkys and his deputy Kazys Bizauskas urged acceptance.
- It joins the Merkys River near Varna city.
- Merkys soon resigned, allowing Paleckis to assume the post of acting President as well.
- Merkys and his cabinet resigned to make way for a new government led by Raatikis.
- Merkys continued to act as Prime Minister.
- Merkys and Urbays then resigned; both would later be arrested and deported to Russia.
- In 1932, German demands prompted his removal as Governor and Merkys returned to practising law.
- Merkys agreed to Soviet demands that Smetona be arrested, but was unsuccessful in doing so.
- It is situated on the Merkys River and an edge of the Rkdninkai Forest ( ).
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