- Soy consciente de que la licencia libre s髄o afecta a los derechos de autor, y me reservo del derecho de emprender acciones legales contra cualquiera que use esta obra violando cualquier otra ley, como restricciones de marcas registradas, libelo o restricciones geogr醘icas espec韋icas.
- In 1849, after being editor for a whole year of a newspaper called " Correio Mercantil " ( " Mercantile Post " ), he publishes in its pages his famous " Libelo do Povo " ( " People's Libel " ); by using Timandro as pen name, Torres Homem criticized the imperial House of Braganza for the mismanagement of Brazil, provoking criticism against him by those who sympathized with the monarchy.
- It's difficult to find libelo in a sentence. 用libelo造句挺难的