- In 1866, he wrote to the French Minister Drouyn de Lhuys:
- On 28 July 1852, he was replaced by Drouyn Lhuys, and was appointed senator.
- The scientific name, " lhuysii ", commemorates the French statesman 蒬ouard Drouyn de Lhuys.
- Napoleon and his foreign minister, Drouyn de Lhuys, expected a long war and an eventual Austrian victory.
- Drouyn de Lhuys served as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1848 to 1849 in the first government of Odilon Barrot.
- It's difficult to find lhuys in a sentence. 用lhuys造句挺难的
- The French foreign minister Drouyn de Lhuys ( 1865 1881 ) transmitted the agreement of the French government to provide training to the Shogun's land based armed forces.
- At the time, he became close to 蒬ouard Drouyn de Lhuys, President of the " Soci閠?Orientale ", whose support for the cause of ethnic Romanians he consequently enlisted.
- France and Russia objected to the blockade and the French Ambassador in London, 蒬ouard Drouyn de Lhuys, was temporarily withdrawn by the French Government, causing the British to abandon demands not directly linked to the Don Pacifino Affair.
- In 1859 Louis Antoine Debrauz de Saldapenna orchestrated in Paris, as the personal representative of the Austrian Archduke Ferdinand Maximilan, the Lombardo-Venetian Count Castellani's proceedings against Egypt, which were also supported by 蒬ouard Drouyn de Lhuys As a result, Castellani succeeded in extracting the then enormous sum of 700, 000 francs as compensation for damages allegedly caused by overexposing valuable Chinese silk worms to the sun during transport between Suez and Cairo.
- In the French Corps L間islatif, also, the vice-president, Forcade La Roquette, referred to his death, and warm expressions of esteem were repeated and applauded on every side . " The death of Richard Cobden, " said M . la Roquette, " is not alone a misfortune for England ( UK ), but a cause of mourning for France and humanity . " Drouyn de Lhuys, the French minister of foreign affairs, made his death the subject of a special despatch, desiring the French ambassador to express to the government " the mournful sympathy and truly national regret which the death, as lamented as premature, of Richard Cobden had excited on that side of the English Channel . " " He is above all, " he added, " in our eyes the representative of those sentiments and those cosmopolitan principles before which national frontiers and rivalries disappear; whilst essentially of his country, he was still more of his time; he knew what mutual relations could accomplish in our day for the prosperity of peoples.