



  1. Got the run . levanted with the cash of a few ads
  2. Crushed levant grain
  3. S , he had passed it on his voyage to and from the levant , but never touched at it
  4. Must be without a flaw , he said . coming all that way : spain , gibraltar , mediterranean , the levant
  5. America and israel want to end this war in a way that transforms the balance of power in the levant
  6. It's difficult to find levant in a sentence. 用levant造句挺难的
  7. This time it was a great matter that was under discussion , connected with a vessel laden with turkey carpets , stuffs of the levant , and cashmeres
  8. Article 21 physicians and midwives shall strictly observe re - levant operational procedures , improve the skills of midwifery and the quality of services so as to prevent or reduce maternal injuries
  9. Article 9 physicians shall , after pre - marital medical examination , give medical advice to those who are in the infective period of any target infectious disease or who are in the morbid period of any re - levant mental disease ; both the male and female planning to be married shall postpone their marriage for the time being
  10. Methods the optimal proportion of levant storax oil and dalbergiae odoriferae oil , which were active ingredients of the traditional chinese medicine styrax and dalbergiae odoriferae , was bolted by using uniform - design method ; the myocardial ischemia model of rats was set up through the induction of isoprel and the above rats were divided into 5 groups , which were model control group , high dose group of shuangxiangyou , middle dose group of shuangxiangyou , low dose group of shuangxiangyou , and positive control group of muskone
  11. S obeyed , and commenced what he called his history , but which consisted only of the account of a voyage to india , and two or three voyages to the levant until he arrived at the recital of his last cruise , with the death of captain leclere , and the receipt of a packet to be delivered by himself to the grand marshal ; his interview with that personage , and his receiving , in place of the packet brought , a letter addressed to a monsieur noirtier - his arrival at marseilles , and interview with his father - his affection for merc
  12. Results among the selected dosages , the theoritical optimal proportion of levant storax oil and dalbergiae odoriferae oil , which were both in the shuangxiangyou soft capsules , was 1 : 5 : 1 . 0 ; the pharmacodynamics experiment indicated that the shuangxiangyou had the significant anti - myocardial ischemia effect compared with model control group
    结果双香油软胶囊中苏合香油、降香油两者在所选择剂量范围内的理论最佳配比为1 . 5 : 1 . 0 ;抗心肌缺血药效学试验表明,双香油有显著的抗心肌缺血的作用,与模型对照组比较具有显著的差异。


  1. "levanoni"造句
  2. "levanony"造句
  3. "levanov"造句
  4. "levans"造句
  5. "levansucrase"造句
  6. "levant battery"造句
  7. "levant business forum"造句
  8. "levant cave"造句
  9. "levant company"造句
  10. "levant company of london"造句

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