- Celgene responded by seeking approval for use of the drug in erythema nodosum leprosum, or ENL, a complication of leprosy.
- Doctors will also be able to prescribe it for a condition of leprosy known as erythema nodosum leprosum, said the spokeswoman, on condition of anonymity.
- Thalidomide has been used successfully in the treatment of Erythema nodosum leprosum, and it was approved by the U . S . FDA for this use in July 1998.
- Using drug repositioning, pharmaceutical companies have achieved a number successes, for example Pfizer's Viagra in erectile dysfunction and Celgene's thalidomide in severe erythema nodosum leprosum.
- Clofazimine also has a marked anti-inflammatory effect and is given to control the leprosy reaction, erythema nodosum leprosum ( ENL ) . ( From AMA Drug Evaluations Annual, 1993, p1619 ).
- It's difficult to find leprosum in a sentence. 用leprosum造句挺难的
- Celgene developed its thalidomide drug to treat a skin condition called erythema nodosum leprosum, or ENL . A rare complication of leprosy, ENL causes painful nodules which can cause infection, scarring or skin ulcers.
- In the mid-1960s an Israeli doctor reported that the drug not only eased discomfort in leprosy patients but also alleviated the symptoms of erythema nodosum leprosum, an otherwise intractable complication of leprosy that causes painful skin lesions.
- Warren New Jersey-based Celgene developed its thalidomide drug for use in a skin condition called erythema nodosum leprosum, or ENL . A rare complication of leprosy, ENL causes painful nodules which can cause infection, scarring or skin ulcers.
- Reports from previous Spix's macaw researchers seem to add another two plants to the list : " Maytenus rigida " and " Geoffroea spinosa " . " Combretum leprosum " may also be a possibility.
- By 1975, the U . S . Public Health Service had set up a special " compassionate use " program to distribute thalidomide to patients who suffered erythema nodosum leprosum, or ENL, a complication of leprosy that causes skin lesions, fever and other symptoms.
- Celgene is seeking approval of its thalidomide drug, Synovir, for treatment of erethyma nodosum leprosum, or ENL . The condition affects some 30 percent of people afflicted with leprosy, causing severe skin nodules which can last years and can result in skin ulcers, scarring and infection.
- The FDA's announcement on Monday came just two weeks after a panel of outside scientific advisers voted 8 to 2 to recommend that the agency approve the drug for patients with erythema nodosum leprosum, or ENL, a complication of leprosy that causes skin lesions, fever and other symptoms.
- By an 8-2 vote, the panel of outside experts said that the benefits of thalidomide, which has never been approved in the United States, outweighed the risks for those with erythema nodosum leprosum, or ENL, a complication of leprosy that causes skin lesions, fever and other symptoms.
- The FDA panel is in the second day of its consideration of the thalidomide drug made by Warren New Jersey-based Celgene, for use in a skin condition called erythema nodosum leprosum, or ENL . A rare complication of leprosy, ENL causes painful nodules which can cause infection, scarring or skin ulcers.