- As they passed himanna mihalovna among themthe young man caught a glimpse over peoples backs and necks of the great muscular open chest , the grey , curly , leonine head , and the massive shoulders of the sick man , which were pushed up , as he was supported under the armpits . his head , with its extraordinarily broad brow and cheek - bones , its beautiful sensual mouth , and haughty , cold eyes , was not disfigured by the proximity of death
扛起伯爵的人们,其中包括安娜米哈伊洛夫娜在内,都赶上年轻的皮埃尔,走到他身边了,从人们的背脊和后脑勺后面,他隐约地看见病人又高又胖的裸露的胸膛,因被人搀起两腋而略微向上翘起的胖乎乎的肩膀和长满卷曲白发的狮子般的头。 - It's difficult to find leonine in a sentence. 用leonine造句挺难的