- his majesty gave many marks of his great lenity, often . endeavoring to extenuate your crimes ( jonathan swift
国王陛下多次表示了他的仁慈,常常…试图减轻你的罪行(乔纳森?斯威夫特)。 - e, i promise to show all the lenity in my power; but if the charges brought against this bonapartist hero prove correct, why, then, you really must give me leave to order his head to be cut off .
蕾妮一听到最后两个字便痉挛似的震颤了一下,把头转向了一边,好象她那温柔的天性受不了如此冷酷,说要把一个活生生的人杀掉似的。 - It's difficult to find lenities in a sentence. 用lenities造句挺难的