



  1. On the legitimizing of public morals and the limit
  2. If i cannot legitimize our former relations at least i can assist you
  3. Mussolini ' s use of symbols from ancient rome to try to legitimize fascist policies
  4. Nowadays , the army tries to legitimize its existence by offering emergency relief and auxiliary support at sporting events
  5. I think that i am part of a generation of , of jewish americans that were expected to legitimize their families by going into the law , and medicine
  6. It's difficult to find legitimize in a sentence. 用legitimize造句挺难的
  7. Actually the u . s . is also guilty as much as turkey , because the u . s . legitimizes turkey , us allows turkey to intervene in iraqi territory , " he said
    实际上美国应该和土耳其一起承担罪责,因为美国让土耳其的行动合法化,美国允许土耳其人入侵伊拉克领土。 ”
  8. Evolving norms of behavior that will support and legitimize new rules is a lengthy process and in the absence of such reinforcing norms polities will tend to be unstable
  9. Five factors are analysed : the effects of the land reform ; the innovative class system ; the social control system ; th basic - level party apparatus ; the legitimizing discourse
  10. And child shall be taken to exist only between a man and a child born to him in wedlock any child born out of wedlock and subsequently legitimized by the marriage of the child s parents shall be treated as if born in wedlock
    母亲与子/女的关系是指存在于一名女子与其任何婚生或非婚生子女之间的关系;但父亲与子/女的关系则只存在于一名男子与其婚生子女之间的关系(任何非婚生但因嗣后其父母亲结婚而获确立婚生地位的子女均会被视为婚生子女) 。
  11. Shall be taken to exist only between a man and a child born to him in wedlock ( any child born out of wedlock and subsequently legitimized by the marriage of the child s parents shall be treated as if born in wedlock ) . in the case of adoption , the relationship of parent and child is taken to exist only if the child is adopted in hong kong in accordance with the adoption ordinance ( cap
    母亲与子女的关系是指存在于一名女子与其任何婚生或非婚生子女之间的关系;但父亲与子女的关系则只存在于一名男子与其婚生子女之间的关系(任何非婚生但因嗣后其父母亲结婚而获确立婚生地位的子女均会被视为婚生子女) 。
  12. Part ii basing on chinese reform and development of the infrastructure , reviews the history of the emergence and development of this pledge in our country , then find the motive for legitimizing this pledge . the author discusses the defect of the system of the pledge , and notes that we should build and perfect the basic theory of the legal system of the pledge


  1. "legitimist line of succession to the english and scottish thrones in 1714"造句
  2. "legitimist party"造句
  3. "legitimists"造句
  4. "legitimity"造句
  5. "legitimization"造句
  6. "legitimized"造句
  7. "legitimizer"造句
  8. "legitimizers"造句
  9. "legitimizes"造句
  10. "legitimizing"造句

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