- combining with practice of china's uranium ore heap leac hi ng, this paper proposes main ways and suitable technologies in the fields of emp hasizing feasib ility research, adop-ting strengthened technologies, improving equipment le vel, op timizing control technological factors and developing application range and so o n, which include adopting acid-curring and ferric sulphate-tric kle leaching process, bacteria heap leaching, countercurrent heap leaching, sele cting advanced material of heap bottom, developing large mechanized heap constru ction equipments and methods, popularizing drip i rrigation distributing solution, optimizing heap leaching process parameters, as we ll as developing recovery equipments suited to heap leaching, etc, in order to i n crease leaching rate, reduce heap leaching period and achieve more economic bene fits
结合我国铀矿堆浸实际,在重视堆浸可行性研究、采用强化堆浸技术、改进堆浸装备水平、严格工艺条件及拓宽堆浸的应用范围等方面提出一些有效途径及适用技术,包括采用拌酸熟化-高铁淋滤浸出、细菌堆浸、制粒堆浸、逆流堆浸,选用优质底垫层材料,研制大型机械化筑堆方法和设备,推广滴灌式布液,优化堆浸工艺参数,以及开发堆浸相配套的回收设备等,以提高浸出率、缩短堆浸周期,获得更大的经济效益。 - It's difficult to find leac in a sentence. 用leac造句挺难的