



  1. As a semi - automatic machine 3 - position bottom lathing machine
  2. Standard specification for installation of interior lathing and furring
  3. I the 3 - position bottom lathing machine
  4. Guanming hardware factory is a private company and mainly engaged in metal lathing parts
  5. Standard specification for installation of lathing and furring to receive interior and exterior portland cement - based plaster
  6. It's difficult to find lathing in a sentence. 用lathing造句挺难的
  7. Steel lathing for internal plastering and external rendering - specification for expanded metal and ribbed lathing
  8. Pump are often used . the domestic companies are skillful in forging , foundering , lathing and planning , and thus can produce equipment with quality
  9. Typical examples include common elements such as oxygen , helium and the relative new carbon - 60 ; the anaesthetic gases such as nitrous oxide lathing gas and ether , urea - the first man - made organic compound , consumer products such as adhesives and the sugar substituted aspartame ; dna the coil of life ; and the fiascos in the proclaimed discoveries of cold fusion and memory effect of water
    主要内容包括:氧、氦、笑气、乙醚、碳60等元素及化合物的发现, 11 .第一个有机化合物的合成,各类日用黏贴胶的制备,代糖aspartame的发现, dna双螺旋结构模型的厘定以及冷核聚变和水分子记忆功能两项发现的闹剧。
  10. Abstract : introduced in the following are the main structure and the main specifications of the hi - speed slot lathing machine for pins . suggestions are put forth for the feed - in parameters , constant speed lathing , and the lathing parameter for the hard alloyed blade , for the machine ' s main and assistant operation . promotion is made to quality of product and process of chinese lathing machine for knitting pins


  1. "lathial"造句
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  7. "lathis"造句
  8. "lathkill"造句
  9. "lathkill dale"造句
  10. "lathlain"造句

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