



  1. Iridal goes with him to stop Hugh and her son.
  2. Iridal has finally arrived to see her son's true nature.
  3. It found a new iridal called'Hoogianal '.
  4. Hugh agrees on the condition that Iridal helps him find Alfred once they're finished.
  5. Hugh and Iridal go to Skurvash, the island where the Brotherhood of the Hand, a guild of assassins, makes its base.
  6. It's difficult to find iridal in a sentence. 用iridal造句挺难的
  7. Stephen's life, however, is saved by Trian, and Iridal leaves for the High Realm with Bane's body.
  8. From there Hugh and Iridal slip into the Imperanon, but Iridal, blinded by love, doesn't see the trap Bane has laid for her.
  9. From there Hugh and Iridal slip into the Imperanon, but Iridal, blinded by love, doesn't see the trap Bane has laid for her.
  10. The royal family wants to use Iridal's rescue to see that Bane is killed to protect their daughter, and their world, from what he would do.
  11. For Iridal's life, Hugh agrees to kill King Stephen and Queen Anne; Bane ( with Haplo's dog ) will go along to ensure success and take the human throne.
  12. Iridal decides to go on and rescue her son herself, and King Stephen grants her a fortnight to do so; after that, he moves on to meeting with Rees'ahn and leaves Bane to his fate.
  13. Stephen and Anne ( who have since had a daughter, ) and the Lady Iridal ( invited there by the wizard "'Trian "', ) receive the news that Bane is alive from a human slave who has been allowed to escape the elven capital.
  14. where D is the pupil diameter measured in millimeters and \ Phi ( t-\ tau ) is the luminous intensity reaching the retina in a time t, which can be described as \ Phi = IA : luminance reaching the eye in lumens / mm 2 times the pupil area in mm 2 . \ tau is the pupillary latency, a time delay between the instant in which the light pulse reaches the retina and the beginning of iridal reaction due nerve transmission, neuro-muscular excitation and activation delays . \ mathrm { d } M, \ mathrm { d } D and \ mathrm { d } t are the derivatives for the M function, pupil diameter D and time t.


  1. "irid"造句
  2. "irida lankadeepa"造句
  3. "irida records"造句
  4. "iridaceae"造句
  5. "iridaceaes"造句
  6. "iridanos"造句
  7. "iridate"造句
  8. "iridates"造句
  9. "irideae"造句
  10. "iridectomies"造句

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