- The Russian position of Iresti to Siret River, which constituted the fighting zone itself, was occupied by three Russian divisionsThe Austro Germans were opposing, on the same stretch, seven divisions.
- Village . Under the influence of this favorable situation, the neighbouring Gallwitz Group attacks with the 217th Division the Russian troops of the 103rd Division, rejects them thus occupying the line Serbesti-Voloscani, at the edge of Iresti.
- Four days, from 15 to 18th of August, the action stagnated on Morgen s front, which had ahead of him only Romanian troops and needed to put in order his units; she evolved on the contrary with a lot of strength on the Weninger s front, from Iresti to Panciu.
- In the morning of 13th of August, General Ragoza, alarmed by the defeat suffered at Panciu and by the perilous situation of his Russian front, has decided to proceed to a great movement of retreat, which will bring the Romanian front at the same level with the Russian one . He has given thus the order to General Eremia Grigorescu to retreat immediately his troops with 6 km, behind Marasesti, such that the new Russian-Romanian front would be established on the line Iresti-Diocheti-Modruzeni-Ionasesti . But the Romanian Commander could not go under such an order with an easy heart . Especially that this commander was named Eremia Grigorescu.
- b ) the sector of the XVIII army Corps, spread from line Ivancesti-Satu Nou, till Iresti . It is a terrain of hills covered with orchards of wine grapes towards east and with forrests toward west which, starting from the valleys of Putna and Susita are rising in higher and higher mountain ridges toward west . At south, Magura Odobestilor dominates with its crenelated cannopy the whole region . XVIIIth Corps was constituted by 62nd austro-hungarian Division, of 217th german Division and by detachments Stange and Vogel, of the value of a division, made out of troops taken from divisions 101st and 69th : regiments29th, 59th, 3rd grenadieri and of three german infantry battalions.
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- As the germans were finishing their attack preparatives, the northern shore of Putna River was occupied, in front of the sector of the IX-th german Army, of units from IVth Russian Army-comanded by Prince General Ragoza . The Russian IV th army was mede organicly of three army corpses : VII, VIII and XXX, of three division each . Of those only three divisions were keeping the front line in the face if the IXth german Army and namely : 34th Divission, from Movilenii de Jos, and at the right wing, 103 Division, from Sirbi to Iresti . Another two divisions, 14th and 15th of the VIII th Corps-were outside the front of the IX th german armyhaving in front Gerock Group, from Irest to Sarii Valley, in the positions earnetd by the victory of Marasti . In reserve they had : 71th Division in Zabrautu valleyand cavalry Division Zamurskaia on the left of Siret river at Nicoresti . Other units of the IVth army have been retreated previously from the fighting zone.
- The front of the german IXth army started, considered from east to west, at Suraia on Siret river, 10 km lower than the place where Putna flows into Siret . This front was following the Siret till Biliesti, in front of Movileni de Jos ( lower Movileni ), then it was farring Siret, taken the north-east direction, going through Siret field, meeting at Paraipan ( Balta Ratei = duck pond ) the Putna valley, following then all the time the southern shore of this valley, cutting the road Focsani-Marasesti at the 10th kilometer, north of Faureni, then cutting the railway south of railwaystation Putna Seaca, all the way to Iresti . here in the point where putna valley makes an angle, towards south west to enter Vrancea, the IXth Army was connecting with Gerock Army . the german front was itself cutting itself towards south-west, to draw the curve line, to which it has been pushed by our ( romanian ) victory at Marasti . On this opening of 60km the german front was split into two sectors:
- Important movement of units, have changed the Romanian-russian front line . The VIIth Russian corps, made out of Divisions : 34th, 71st and 13th, was incapable of fight any more; his divisions were reduced to effectives of 1000 bayonets each . The 13th Romanian Division took its place, elongating to the west the right wing of the 9th Romanian Division . Further to the right, Russian Divisions 14th and 15th, which have been till then on Vrancea front, were taken from there and intercalated with the Cavalry Division Zamurskaia, between Russian Division 103rd and 13th Romanian Division, reconstiting thus the VIIIth Russian Corps, from Iresti to Panciu . The place of the Russians on Vrancea front has been occupied by elongating the Romanian Dovisions, 12th and 3rd . Other Romanian divisions were on the point of taking place on the fighting front . The 10th Romanian Division was marching from Tecuci to Nicoresti; the next day she was supposed to cross the Siret onto the right shore . The 15th Division was at Negrilesti, 10 km north of tecuciThe 14th Infantry and Cavalry Division were maintaining their positions on the left shore of Siret river, in front of the 212th and 303rd German Divisions . With this face, the composition of the Russian-Romanian front was, as follows ( at the end of July ) : to the right, from Iresti till east of Panciu, the VIII-th Russian Corps ( General Ielciaminev ) made out of Divissions 103rd, 15th, 14th and Cavalry Division Zamurskaia . At the center, the V-th Romanian Corps ( General Istrati ), made of Divissions 13th, 9th and 10th-the last one in reserve . At the left side the VI-th Romanian Corps ( General Razu ), made out of Divissions 5th, 14th and Greceanu Cavalry Group ( one Division and three Brigades ), the last two, of them, on the left of Siret river . It has started to arrive in the army area, 15th Romanian Division, as army reserve.
- Important movement of units, have changed the Romanian-russian front line . The VIIth Russian corps, made out of Divisions : 34th, 71st and 13th, was incapable of fight any more; his divisions were reduced to effectives of 1000 bayonets each . The 13th Romanian Division took its place, elongating to the west the right wing of the 9th Romanian Division . Further to the right, Russian Divisions 14th and 15th, which have been till then on Vrancea front, were taken from there and intercalated with the Cavalry Division Zamurskaia, between Russian Division 103rd and 13th Romanian Division, reconstiting thus the VIIIth Russian Corps, from Iresti to Panciu . The place of the Russians on Vrancea front has been occupied by elongating the Romanian Dovisions, 12th and 3rd . Other Romanian divisions were on the point of taking place on the fighting front . The 10th Romanian Division was marching from Tecuci to Nicoresti; the next day she was supposed to cross the Siret onto the right shore . The 15th Division was at Negrilesti, 10 km north of tecuciThe 14th Infantry and Cavalry Division were maintaining their positions on the left shore of Siret river, in front of the 212th and 303rd German Divisions . With this face, the composition of the Russian-Romanian front was, as follows ( at the end of July ) : to the right, from Iresti till east of Panciu, the VIII-th Russian Corps ( General Ielciaminev ) made out of Divissions 103rd, 15th, 14th and Cavalry Division Zamurskaia . At the center, the V-th Romanian Corps ( General Istrati ), made of Divissions 13th, 9th and 10th-the last one in reserve . At the left side the VI-th Romanian Corps ( General Razu ), made out of Divissions 5th, 14th and Greceanu Cavalry Group ( one Division and three Brigades ), the last two, of them, on the left of Siret river . It has started to arrive in the army area, 15th Romanian Division, as army reserve.