- Iodopsin consists of the protein component and a bound chromophore, retinal.
- Iodopsin, the cone pigment system in chicken retina, is a close analog of the " visual purple " rhodopsin that is used in night vision.
- Furthermore, color is distinguishable due to the different iodopsins of cone cells; there are three different kinds, in normal human vision, which is why we need three different primary colors to make a color space.
- Differences between the rhodopsin and the iodopsins is the reason why cones and rods enable organisms to see in dark and light conditions each of the photoreceptor proteins requires a different light intensity to break down into the constituent products.
- The pigment, called iodopsin or rhodopsin, consists of large proteins called opsin ( situated in the plasma membrane ), attached to a covalently bound prosthetic group : an organic molecule called retinal ( a derivative of vitamin A ).
- It's difficult to find iodopsin in a sentence. 用iodopsin造句挺难的
- RGR-opsin preferentially binds all-trans-retinal, Therefore, RGR-opsin presumably acts as a photoisomerase to convert all-trans-retinal to 11-cis-retinal, similar to retinochrome in invertebrates . 11-cis-retinal is isomerized back within rhodopsin and the iodopsins in the cones of the retina.