- The verse is omitted if the hour begins with the Invitatory ( Lauds or Office of Reading ).
- Unless the Invitatory is used, each Hour begins with the versicle " God, come to my assistance.
- Verse 15 of Psalm 50 ( 51 ) is often used as the invitatory antiphon in the Liturgy of the Hours.
- The Invitatory and, on certain days, the " Te Deum " also formed two of the principal characteristics of this office.
- The Invitatory is the introduction to the first hour said on the current day, whether it be the Office of Readings or Morning Prayer.
- It's difficult to find invitatory in a sentence. 用invitatory造句挺难的
- Although the Invitatory, i . e . psalm 94 ( 95 ), is missing from the psalter, it is present in the ordinary and is thus chanted every day.
- For example, the 1979 American Book of Common Prayer prescribes it, in the prose translation given below, as an optional invitatory canticle immediately preceding the psalms appointed for the day.
- The office of the dead and that of the three last days of Holy Week were simpler, the absolutions, benedictions, and invitatory being omitted, at least for the three last days of Holy Week, since the invitatory is said in the offices of the dead.
- The office of the dead and that of the three last days of Holy Week were simpler, the absolutions, benedictions, and invitatory being omitted, at least for the three last days of Holy Week, since the invitatory is said in the offices of the dead.
- The couplets of invitatory and collect which occur in the Roman Good Friday service are given with verbal variations in " Gothicum "; in both, however, there are other prayers of a similar type and prayers for some of the Hours of Good Friday and Easter Vigil.
- This work by V醩quez consists of six parts : Inventorium ( Invitatory ), In Primo Nocturno ( first night ), In secundo Noctruno ( second night ), In tertio Nocturno ( third night ), Ad Laudes ( laude ), and " Missa pro defunctis ".
- But we command that the strong as well as the weak, to avoid a fuss, should sing the psalm which is called Venite, with the invitatory and the hymn sitting down, and say their prayers in silence, softly and not loudly, so that the proclaimer does not disturb the prayers of the other brothers.
- The items which V醩quez set whose corresponding chants can be found in the " Liber Usualis " are the Invitatory, Psalm no . 5, nine antiphons, five lessons, one Responsorium, the " Canticum Zachariae ", the " Requiescant in pace ", Amen and the " Missa pro defunctis ".
- The Sunday office was made up of the invitatory, hymn, three nocturns, the first of which comprised twelve psalms, and the second and third three psalms each; nine lessons, three to each nocturn, each lesson except the ninth being followed by a response; and finally, the canticle Te Deum, which was recited or sung after the ninth lesson instead of a response.
- Saint Benedict praises Cassian's " Conferences " in his Rule and use of this formula became part of the Liturgy of the Hours in the Western Church, in which all the canonical hours, including the minor hours, start with this versicle, which is omitted only if the hour begins with the Invitatory, the introduction to the first hour said in the day, whether it be the Office of Readings or Morning Prayer.
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