



  1. How does such ignobility happen to a $ 100 million Yankee?
  2. In the department of ignobility, consider the crowing from George Mitchell, the majority leader.
  3. He suffered perhaps the greatest ignobility last year in Tampa Bay, two years removed from the Pro Bowl.
  4. Apparently, Jefferson, our third president, believed he could keep separate the private and the public, the ignobility of one never compromising the nobility of the other.
  5. Nevertheless, many castle warriors were granted nobility by the monarchs in order to " remove the'stain of ignobility'which was attached to castle service " ( Martyn Rady ).
  6. It's difficult to find ignobility in a sentence. 用ignobility造句挺难的
  7. The Canadian writer Farley Mowat says that many returned veterans after World War II sought a meaningful life far from the ignobility of modern warfare, regarding his own experience as typical of the pattern.
  8. McLuhan, the prescient Canadian academic who coined the term " global village, " suffers this posthumous ignobility : " Thousands of dot-com dreamers are now busy amplifying the message without the faintest idea where it came from ."
  9. Once again it defies the reader to find the author in it, but departing from the pattern in his war stories, where a character's fear and foibles draw the reader's natural sympathy, this time O'Brien is cutting closer to ignobility.
  10. Kashagama was summoned to the banks of Nyamugasani River at Kabirizi on 28 November 2015, and there he was formally Installed as the King of Busongora, after joint No-Confidence resolutions of the Council of Accession and Council of Elders effectively and formally ended the reign of Kyomya V . According to the Constitution of Busongora Kingdom, the Council of Accession has the authority to remove a monarch on account of absence, futility, idleness, negligence, alcoholism, or ignobility.


  1. "ignobel"造句
  2. "ignobel prize"造句
  3. "ignobel prizes"造句
  4. "ignobels"造句
  5. "ignobilities"造句
  6. "ignoble"造句
  7. "ignoble prize"造句
  8. "ignoble savage"造句
  9. "ignobleness"造句
  10. "ignoblenesses"造句

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