



  1. Ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer ; icr mass spectrometer
  2. An icr - based spread spectrum communication with arbitrary rate
  3. Primary culture and identification of icr mice sertoli cells
  4. Fouier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spertrometer ft - icr - ms
  5. Furthermore , it is more easy to isolate embryos and get the es cells from icr mouse than kunming mouse
    以上结果表明: icr小鼠比昆明小鼠更易进行es细胞的建系工作。
  6. It's difficult to find icr in a sentence. 用icr造句挺难的
  7. Numerous editing functions allow total flexibility when working with recorded files . insert , overwrite , erase and partial erase included in the functionality of the icr - b35
    当众多的编辑功能,让整体工作的灵活性录的档案.插入、改写、抹去抹去,包括在部分功能的的icr - b35
  8. In the experiment , in case of the proliferative capability of eg cells , the composition of 0 . 25 % trypsin + 0 . 04edta was optimal . the growth behavior of icr murine eg cells from pgc was observed
    传代过程中,以0 . 25胰酶与0 . 04 edta联合作用效果较好,对eg细胞的综合损伤最小,离散传代后eg细胞活力比较强, eg克隆出现最多,最高传至6代。
  9. The purpose of this study was to establish es or eg cells lines in the future for further research . the results attained were as follows : 1 . derivation of embryonic stem cells from icr mouse preimplantation embryos
  10. 2 . isolation and cloning of mouse embryonic germ cells of icr species primordial germ cells ( pgc ) were isolation from 8 . 5 - 15 . 5 dpc ( days post coitum ) embryos . eg cell lines with the characteristic of murine es cell line were established and continuously cultured to 6th passage
    Icr小鼠eg细胞的分离克隆研究本试验以icr品系小鼠胚胎8 . 5 15 . 5dpcpgc为材料,经传代培养,获得能连续而稳定传至6代的,具有胚胎干细胞诸多特性的eg细胞系。
  11. Otherwise , rbc - icr showed a continuous fall somin and 24 hours after exercise , and returned to pre - exercise level 24 hours later . it indicated that the erythrocyte immune function showed an enhanced state somin after exercise and had basically restored 24 hours after exercise
    急性递增负荷运动恢复期机体免疫机能的变化规律如下:运动后恢复30分钟时,红细胞免疫功能增强,免疫抑制解除,红细胞免疫粘附活性高于安静值, 24小时后恢复正常。
  12. Ocular injury to icr mice from embryonated eggs of toxocara canis , which had been maintained in 2 % formalin for 14 months at 4 c , was evaluated by microscopic and pathologic assessments at 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 28 , 56 , 84 , 112 , 140 , 168 , 196 , 294 and 469 days post infection ( dpi )
    摘要本研究探讨将储存于2 %福马林液内,于4 c下保存14个月之犬蛔虫受孕卵感染小鼠第一天至第四百六十九天后,藉显微镜检视与病理学的研究评估孵化的幼虫对小鼠的眼部损伤情形。
  13. The results showed that the feeder layers prepared by icr and kunming mice had no significant effect on adherence of embryos and proliferation of icms . the trypsin , which affected the isolation of es cells remarkedly , should be used with concentration of 0 . 125 % trypsin + 0 . 02 % edta for kmsmin
    从实验结果来看, icr小鼠和昆明小鼠两种来源的饲养层细胞对胚胎贴壁、 icm增殖无影响,消化液作用影响明显,以0 . 125 trypsin + 0 . 02 edta消化10 15min为宜。
  14. In the laboratory experiment part , human peripheral blood , cultured cells and icr mice were study objects . the changes of mitotic chromosome numbers were measured by human metaphase chromosome counts and statistic analyzed used x2 - test . the changes of meiotic chromosome numbers were measured by mice one - cell zygote chromosome counts and statistic analyzed usedx2 - test . the effects of low dose ionizing radiation on the expression of topoisomerase ii were measured by immunocytochemistry , western blot and rt - pcr
    流行病学结果显示长期小剂量辐射接触与染色体不分离呈正相关,为进一步在细胞遗传学和分子生物学方面研究小剂量电离辐射与染色体不分离关系及其机制,本课题第二部分以外周血、培养细胞、 icr小鼠为研究对象,用外周血染色体计数和单细胞受精卵染色体计数的方法研究小剂量辐射和拓扑异构酶复旦大学2000级博士生学位论文11a抑制剂及其二者的协同效应对有丝分裂和减数分裂染色体不分离的影响,用免疫细胞化学染色、 westernblot 、 rt pcr等方法研究了电离辐射引起拓扑异构酶a表达变化。
  15. Mouse blastocysts and morulas were cultured in rat heart conditioned medium ( rh - cm ) . as far as the following indexes attaching ratio , icm growth ratio and es clone formation ratio are concerned , the choice of blastocysts is much better than morulas ( p < 0 . 05 ) , therefore mouse blastocysts were more suitable than morulas to get es cells
    源于icr小鼠icm的es细胞分离克隆研究试验以rh - cm为培养基培养处于不同发育阶段的小鼠胚胎,发现由囊胚分离的es细胞传代后es集落的出现率显著高于桑椹胚( p 0 . 05 ) ,故囊胚更适合作为es细胞分离克隆的材料。
  16. We used the icr and kunming mice and got the embryos of 3 . 5dpc by means of superovulation , then cultured the embryos on the feeder layer derived from icr or kunming mice , dispersed the inner cell masses ( icms ) or es cell colony in the appropriate time . in this period , we analized the effects of feeder layer , trypsin and embryos isolated from uteri of different varietal mice on the es cell lines
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