



  1. These tables are called " factless fact tables ", or " junction tables ".
  2. He added " there were totally false, factless, baseless rumors being passed throughout the department about the actions " of one of the two commanders.
  3. Can you pretty please guarantee I won't be punished for removing the personal attack, factless, substanceless, baseless, libelous, slanderous banner from my personal page?
  4. ""'The Book of Disquiet " "'( " "'Livro do Desassossego : Composto por Bernardo Soares, ajudante de guarda-livros na cidade de Lisboa " "'), published posthumously, is a work by Fernando Pessoa ( 1888 1935 ), signed under the orthonym, the book is a fragmentary lifetime project, left unedited by the author, who introduced it as a " factless autobiography ."
  5. A review of the 3 diff edits above shows he used each opportunity, not to discuss, but fire back with factless accussations, to openly and blatantly show-off his who-cares / my-way-or-the-highway attitude ( failure to exercise good faith ), to exaggerate his claims ( such as, " " It's been reverted by two different people so far, more than once each " " ) and, more generally, to indiscriminatedly establish an environment non-conductive to discussion.
  6. It's difficult to find factless in a sentence. 用factless造句挺难的


  1. "factitiousness"造句
  2. "factitive"造句
  3. "factitive verb"造句
  4. "factiva"造句
  5. "factive"造句
  6. "factlet"造句
  7. "factly"造句
  8. "factmag"造句
  9. "factmonster"造句
  10. "factness"造句

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