- the power supply & transmit electricity system in guangyuan fulfilled the role of supplying main power to guangyuan city . while the harmonic occurred is very serious and it has not been restrainted . the main harmonic sources are two loads : aluminium electrolysed load and electrized locomotive load
广元电力网主要担负着广元市、县工农业及人民日常生活用电任务,但其谐波极其严重,并且没有进行治理,其主要谐波源负荷为电解铝整流负荷和电气机车牵引负荷。 - consumers successively plunged a large number of silicon controlled commuted devices ( such as steel rolling 、 electrized locomotive 、 aluminium electrolysed devices etc ) and smelting devices to improve their produced efficiency or to save energy . on the one hand it is good for consumers, on the other hand it will arouse the fluctuation of voltage and frequency and it will result in the collision of the active and reactance capacity . meanwhile these nonlinear loads bring much harmonic into the electric network which deteriorate the quality of power supply and hazard the online device enormously
用电部门为了提高生产效益、节约能源,在大电网中相继出现了大量的可控硅整流装置(如轧钢、电气化机车、铝加工电解设备等)以及冶炼设备,这些设备的投入使用对节能有一定好处,但给电网造成有、无功冲击,引起电压和频率的波动,同时,这些非线性负荷向电网注入大量谐波,大大恶化了供电系统的电能质量,给用电设备带来了极大的危害。 - It's difficult to find electrolysed in a sentence. 用electrolysed造句挺难的