- A diagram of the electroextraction process.
- "' Electroextraction "'( EE ) is a sample enrichment technique that focuses charged analytes from a large volume of one phase into a small volume of aqueous phase through the application of an electric current.
- This is referred to as capillary electroextraction, or cEE . In this set up, shown in figure 3, a capillary containing aqueous phase is placed in a vial of organic phase and surrounded by a hallow cathode.
- "' Electrowinning "', also called "'electroextraction "', is the electrodeposition of metals from their ores that have been put in solution via a process commonly referred to as leaching . "'Electrorefining "'uses a similar process to remove impurities from a metal.
- It's difficult to find electroextraction in a sentence. 用electroextraction造句挺难的