



  1. He drowsed away the morning .
  2. She was no sensualist, longing to drowse sleepily in the lap of luxury .
  3. Oh , no ! looks like they catch me drowse
  4. Oh , no ! looks like they catch me drowse
  5. " oh how your fingers drowse me
  6. It's difficult to find drowse in a sentence. 用drowse造句挺难的
  7. I closed my eyes , and drowsed until a sharp horn woke me
  8. In the evening breeze her pet peacock sat drowsing on its perch , and the pigeons were silent in their corner
  9. He began to nestle and drowse , but presently spoke like one talking in his sleep , and said : " did i hear horses ' feet
    可是一会儿,像人在睡梦中说话一样,他说: “我听见马蹄声了吧?
  10. Against john long s a drowsing loafer lounged in heavy thought , gnawing a crusted knuckle . handy man wants job . small wages
  11. It was the sleepiest of sleepy days . the drowsing murmur of the five and twenty studying scholars soothed the soul like the spell that is in the murmur of bees
  12. They gradually wandered apart , dropped into the " dumps , " and fell to gazing longingly across the wide river to where the village lay drowsing in the sun
    于是他们就“道不同不相为谋” ,个个意兴索然,不由得眼巴巴地望着宽阔的大河对岸出神,那里他们向往的小镇正在阳光下打盹。
  13. As the state economy with drowse from the compete field gradually , the private manufacture enterprise will occupy more and more important place in china manufacturing industry in the future
    随着国有经济逐渐从竞争性领域退出,未来的民营制造业必将在中国制造业中占有越来越重要的地位。她必将成为增强国家、地区竞争力的新的“发动机” 。
  14. Fatigue bore so heavily upon becky that she drowsed off to sleep . tom was grateful . he sat looking into her drawn face and saw it grow smooth and natural under the influence of pleasant dreams ; and by - and - by a smile dawned and rested there
  15. The balmy summer air , the restful quiet , the odor of the flowers , and the drowsing murmur of the bees had had their effect , and she was nodding over her knitting - for she had no company but the cat , and it was asleep in her lap
  16. When be wrote the adventures of tom sawyer and the adventures of huckleberry finn , mark twain turned hannibal , missouri ? which he later described as a “ white town drowsing in the sunshine of a summer ' s morning ” ? into an american literary mecca
    当马克?吐温撰写《汤姆?索亚历险记》和《哈克贝里?费恩历险记》时,他把密苏里的汉尼堡变成了美国文学的圣地(后来他描写它如同一座“沐浴在夏日清晨阳光照射下安宁的小镇” ) 。
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


  1. "drownproof"造句
  2. "drownproofing"造句
  3. "drowns"造句
  4. "drowns in"造句
  5. "drowns out"造句
  6. "drowse away"造句
  7. "drowse off"造句
  8. "drowsed"造句
  9. "drowsed off"造句
  10. "drowsier"造句

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