- the king of drea
拳皇梦幻之战 - fourth1y it answers what kind of socia1 security instiitution fits to the rural drea in china at the moment . i soggest thdt fareers should join into the plan of teking agrlcu1tural products exchange 0ld-- nge pension, no-- fam werkers ghould take part ln the double-- tr8ck-- cystem of soci81 security . 0ne is rural old-- age pension; another is urban sociai security
同时,重点围绕完善城镇化机制,在逻辑分析和经验验证一致的基础上,提出完善城镇化机制必须从建立农村社会养老保险制度入手,以实物换保障的方式完善城乡社会养老保险制度,并论证了实物换保障的现实可行性。 - It's difficult to find drea in a sentence. 用drea造句挺难的