



  1. Why did you decide to add the draenei as the new alliance race
  2. Gondar is a draenei that is often called upon for his superior skills
  3. What are the draenei
  4. " we have seen great strife , we paladins of the light , we draenei , dwarves and humans
    我们已经见过斗争,我们圣骑士之光, ,我们德莱尼,我们矮人和人类
  5. New quests have been added throught the zones . including various draenei and blood elf camps
  6. It's difficult to find draenei in a sentence. 用draenei造句挺难的
  7. In the story of the draenei they were a very pure and good race aligned with the light , sort of this holy representation
  8. Single draenei female seeks blacksmith with grinding wheel to take care of me and my gorgeous hooves
    单身德莱尼女性,寻找会制作砂轮的铁匠来照顾我和我美丽的蹄子(你是要打磨还是要钉掌。 。 。 。 ? )
  9. What went into the decision to adding a paladin choice for the horde ( blood elves ) and a shaman choice for the alliance ( draenei )
  10. The expansion will introduce two new races to world of warcraft : the draenei race for the alliance and the blood elf race for the horde
  11. A : the expansion will introduce two new races to world of warcraft : the draenei race for the alliance and the blood elf race for the horde
  12. Chastise ( new ) is now available to dwarf and draenei priests at level 20 . chastise causes holy damage and incapacitates the target for 2 seconds
    惩罚(新) :现在矮人和德莱尼牧师可以在20级时学到.惩罚可以对目标造成神圣伤害并使其瘫痪2秒


  1. "draegers"造句
  2. "draegerwerk"造句
  3. "draegerwerk ag"造句
  4. "draegloth"造句
  5. "draelos"造句
  6. "draenor"造句
  7. "draeseke"造句
  8. "draethen"造句
  9. "draf"造句
  10. "drafa"造句

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