- The drug, under the brand Dotarem, was brought to market by Guerbet.
- Dotarem is administered through an intravenous bolus injection, either manually or through a power injection.
- This classification was released after another proposition would have left the safest category ( ionic cyclical structure ) with only one agent ( " Dotarem " ).
- Similar contrast agents are Magnetol manufactured by Soreq, Dotarem ( gadoterate ) Guerbet, MultiHance ( gadobenate dimeglumine ) and ProHance ( gadoteridol ) manufactured by Bracco, Omniscan ( gadodiamide ) manufactured by GE Healthcare, and OptiMARK ( gadoversetamide ) manufactured by Mallinckrodt.
- Dotarem is the seventh FDA approved GBCA for use in central nervous system ( CNS ) MRI . Other FDA approved GBCAs for similar purposes include Magnevist ( 1988 ), Prohance ( 1992 ), Omniscan ( 1993 ), Optimark ( 1999 ), Multihance ( 2004 ) and Gadavist ( 2011 ).
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