- They had one surviving daughter, Dorothy Mary Catherine Drew, born 11 March 1890, known as " Dossie ", who was a favourite of her grandfather.
- In September of that year, Wallace Dossie, 60, was the first person to plead guilty to " failing to abate a crime " at his West Monroe Street property that Maricopa County Attorney Rick Romley called a crack house.
- This is an open source sexual revolution movement with some notable members including Dossie Easton who has been working in this field since 1960s in San Francisco and who is a qualified family therapist with several decades of experience as well as other notable sex educators and sex positive speakers.
- This book is currently the inspiration of a movie that is currently being made ( pre-production stage ) in San Francisco and Los Angeles featuring number sex positive authors and speakers including Chris Ryan ( coauthor of Sex At Dawn ), Dossie Easton ( author of Ethical Slut ) and many more.
- 3 . When you ask reliable third party sources, sorry but this is my first wiki page, for point number two above, if I produced say a video clip of Dossie saying that she is a member of this movement, would that be an example of a reliable third party source?
- It's difficult to find dossie in a sentence. 用dossie造句挺难的
- British artist Connie Rose was the first to create a film about polyamory consisting of interviews around the world including polamory's leading academics, authors and sex experts, including Dossie Easton ( coauthor of " The Ethical Slut " ) and Christopher Ryan ( coauthor of " Sex at Dawn " ).
- ""'The Ethical Slut : A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities " "'( ISBN 1-890159-01-8 ) is an English non-fiction book written by Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy ( given as pseudonym Catherine A . Liszt for the book's first edition ).
- These methods included the use of kohlrabi ( then known as turnip-rooted cabbage ) as a winter feed-stuff for livestock, which he introduced from the Netherlands in 1767, a method of growing melons using manure hot-beds and various other innovations mentioned in Dossie's " Memoires of Agriculture " and Arthur Young's " Agricultural Calendar ".
- WITH : John Rubinstein ( Martin Chisholm ), Christine Ebersole ( Dossie Lustig ), William Ragsdale ( Young Man ), Michelle Hurd ( Charmaine ), Kandis Chappell ( Pamela Prideaux ), Josh Mostel ( Vassili Laimorgos ), Terrence Mann ( Gregory Reed ), Frankie R . Faison ( Dan Gerard ), Jodi Long ( Nam-Jun Vuong ), Al Espinosa ( Roberto ) and Herb Foster ( Dr . Conrad Bering ).