



  1. Chandler : ( deadpan ) yes , and we ' re very excited about it
  2. Chandler : ( deadpan ) ooh , i ' m alive with pleasure now
  3. Whose emotions are hidden by a deadpan expression
  4. Chandler : ( deadpan ) yes , and we ' re very excited about it
  5. Chandler : ( deadpan ) yes , and we ' re very excited about it
    钱德勒: (面无表情)是的,我们相当兴奋。
  6. It's difficult to find deadpan in a sentence. 用deadpan造句挺难的
  7. She says in a deadpan way , have not seen , nobody has been to my home
  8. Some people do not catch his deadpan humor , that make it even funny
  9. You know that face ? deadpan , with a normal sarcastic delivery
  10. Some people don ' t catch his deadpan humor , that makes it even funnier
  11. On top of that , they incorporate a wry , deadpan australian sense of humour that made their performance immensely entertaining .
  12. People with a " poker face , " whose emotions are hidden by a deadpan expression , are looked upon with suspicion
  13. The bawdy middle ages , as mr mclaren explains in his admirably deadpan prose , “ once again made impotence a laughing matter ”
    不堪的中世纪,麦克拉伦用他极其冷静的笔触说道, “再一次让阳萎成为笑柄” 。
  14. In a deadpan voice , brooks exhaustively details zombie incidents from isolated attacks to full - scale military combat : " what if the enemy can ' t be shocked and awed
    布鲁克斯以冷静的口吻竭尽所能地描述由单独攻击发展成为全面军事攻击的僵尸事件的细节: “要是敌人不会受到震慑、或是产生敬畏会怎么样?
  15. In a deadpan style , mr mlodkowski sets out the basics of the business , then goes out to talk to people who have started a company and gets them to explain how they did it and what obstacles new entrants might face
  16. A gang of policemen run into this courtyard quickly , open the kitchen door to ask this woman , anyone went to here just now , have you seen ? she says in a deadpan way , have not seen , nobody has been to my home . the police depend on me and ask , who is he


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  6. "deadpan comedy"造句
  7. "deadpan darling"造句
  8. "deadpan delivery"造句
  9. "deadpan humor"造句
  10. "deadpan humour"造句

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