



  1. It was entitled " Calendrier de la Guerre ", Calendar of the War.
  2. On November 12, 2008, Calendrier Sportif was moved from channel 246 to channel 97.
  3. In France, it is known as the " calendrier r閜ublicain " as well as the " calendrier r関olutionnaire ".
  4. In France, it is known as the " calendrier r閜ublicain " as well as the " calendrier r関olutionnaire ".
  5. "' Calendrier Sportif "'is a 24-hour, French-language sports information radio station, which airs on XM Satellite Radio.
  6. It's difficult to find calendrier in a sentence. 用calendrier造句挺难的
  7. The franciade was defined in 1793 in article 10 of the " D閏ret de la Convention nationale portant sur la cr閍tion du calendrier r閜ublicain ", as follows:
  8. In the meantime Father Cahier had published a monograph in two Epiphany in " Amide la religion " ( Paris, 1848 1849 ), and in his " Calendrier populaire du temps pass?" in " Revue de l'art chr閠ien " ( Paris, 1878 ).
  9. Son Loi juive : ?conservez la coutume de vos p鑢es en vos mains au cas o?des pers閏utions anti-juives surviendraient ?( si la science du calendrier venait ?se perdre parmi les Juifs et qu ils n observaient qu un jour, ils risqueraient fort d enfreindre des commandements majeurs du fait de leurs erreurs ).
  10. The "'French Republican Calendar "'( ), also commonly called the "'French Revolutionary Calendar "'( " calendrier r関olutionnaire fran鏰is " ), was a calendar created and implemented during the French Revolution, and used by the French government for about 12 years from late 1793 to 1805, and for 18 days by the Paris Commune in 1871.
  11. With a modern spirit of enterprise, around 1503 V閞ard set out to conquer the English bookselling market with an English translation of the " Calendrier des bergers " ( " The Kalendar of Shyppars " ) and of " L'Art de bien vivre et de bien mourir " ( 1493 ), ( " the Art of Good Lywyng " ) and of the " Chasteau de Labour " ( " Castle of Labour " ), a 1499 poem by Pierre Gringore.
  12. The ballet designs were the fruit of Boucher's friendship with Jean Monnet, which had resulted in designs for Monnet at the Th殁tre de la Foire de Saint Laurent " as early as 1743 . " " Le Nouveau Calendrier des spectacles de Paris " described the scene of " Les F阾es Chinoises " as " an avenue ending in terraces and a flight of steps leading to a palace " then changing to a public square decorated for a festival and continuing with subsequent scene shifts of which the " Calendrier " remarked " M . Monnet has spared nothing that could possibly assist M . Noverre's rich imagination ".
  13. The ballet designs were the fruit of Boucher's friendship with Jean Monnet, which had resulted in designs for Monnet at the Th殁tre de la Foire de Saint Laurent " as early as 1743 . " " Le Nouveau Calendrier des spectacles de Paris " described the scene of " Les F阾es Chinoises " as " an avenue ending in terraces and a flight of steps leading to a palace " then changing to a public square decorated for a festival and continuing with subsequent scene shifts of which the " Calendrier " remarked " M . Monnet has spared nothing that could possibly assist M . Noverre's rich imagination ".


  1. "calendrical calculations"造句
  2. "calendrical reform"造句
  3. "calendrical rites"造句
  4. "calendrically"造句
  5. "calendrics"造句
  6. "calendrier sportif"造句
  7. "calendriers"造句
  8. "calends"造句
  9. "calendula"造句
  10. "calendula extract"造句

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